Penetra Le Tenebre
Shadow Warrior Tech Expo
24 - 27 March 2025
Dear Partners of the SWA,
The Tech EXPO is 24-27 MAR with the 24th being the golf tournament. The primary Tech Expo dates will be the 25th -27th. Attached you will find the application and floorplan for the EXPO. As in previous years the SWA will be hosting the Tech Expo at The Iron Mike Conference Center on Ft Liberty NC at the same time the USASOC C4I conference is taking place. The week will also include the SWA Tommy Lee Smart Memorial Golf Tournament.
The Shadow Warrior Association is a non-profit, private organization created to honor the history and legacy of current and former members of the 112 th Signal Battalion (SO)(A). Located on Fort Liberty, NC with Detachments at each of the Theater Special Operations Commands (TSOCs). The
SWA accomplishes its charter by providing educational scholarships, recognition to outstanding
members of the special operations signal community, and by supporting the historical initiatives
and families of the 112 th Signal Battalion (SO)(A).
A little about TECH EXPO 2025 events:
--The SWA Golf Tournament (24 MAR): The Shadow Warrior Association is hosting the Tommy Lee Smart Memorial Golf Tournament. Vendors have the opportunity to sponsor
a hole and a 4-person team when they sign up to participate in the Tech Expo. Participation is open to all USASOC C4I Conference attendees, SWA Tech EXPO 2025
exhibitors, Shadow Warrior Association members, and 112th Signal Battalion Soldiers. We will publish which golf course shortly. Registration on site will be at 0800 and shotgun
start at 0930.
--USASOC C4I Conference (25-27 MAR): The USASOC C4I Conference brings together top leaders and technical experts from the Special Operations communications community to
discuss current operational requirements and initiatives. Attendees will be represented from all USASOC units, SOCOM, the TSOCs and all the Components. There will be several
opportunities for industry partners to interact with conference attendees.
--SWA Tech Expo (25-27 MAR): An excellent opportunity to showcase your products and demonstrate your capabilities to some of the premier communications organizations in
DOD, the SOF community, FORSCOM, USARC, the XVIII Airborne Corps, and the 82nd Airborne Division. Conference and Expo are collocated at the Iron Mike Conference

See if you might be interested in joining SWA by checking out our goals and mission.
Dedicated to current and former members of the 112th Signal Battalion (Special Operations, Airborne), the Shadow Warrior Association (SWA) is a nonprofit, private organization created to honor the history and legacy of the 112th Signal Battalion.
Located on Fort Bragg, North Carolina, the SWA accomplishes its charter by providing educational scholarships to both 112th Soldiers and the children of 112th Soldiers, providing recognition to outstanding members of the signal community, and by ensuring the future prosperity of the 112th Signal Battalion.